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Aspiri supports process improvement efforts for a newly acquired manufacturing company

We were happy to partner with an on-site consulting firm to provide process mapping, improvement, and metrics expertise. This was our first engagement in the manufacturing industry but pleasantly surprised by the amount of cross-over we found with our other client industries.


New ownership quickly became aware the processes within a new acquisition were not fully understood, lacked visibility, and were prone to delays and errors.


Phase 1 - Teamed with an on-site consulting partner to covert conversation notes and a recorded Zoom call to Microsoft Visio process maps that covered 6 sub-processes (Sales, Estimating, Approval, Contracting, Submittal, and Pre-Production) spanning 188 actions. Identified 30 process pain points/ observations that were scored by frequency and severity to prioritize improvement efforts for further action.

Phase 2 - Based on the results of phase 1, the client asked the team to evaluate the next and final process, Production. We mapped an additional 56 actions while identifying and prioritizing 15 more improvement opportunities. We then recommended 23 Production KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) with definitions, measurement frequency, and priorities to better track and manage the process.


The new ownership has a clear, unbiased understanding of the current processes, prioritized plans for improvement, and key metrics for better management and continuous enhancements.

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